sábado, junio 30, 2012

sábado, junio 23, 2012

Capitalism as a manic culture

" Applying this to the level of culture, a manic culture is one in which leaders and members observe and note problems and vulnerabilities, but feel threatened by their observations because they imply the need to worry and register the  warnings involved. Such a culture is therefore unable to use these observations in a healthy way and take the warnings seriously. "

- Mark Stein

miércoles, junio 20, 2012

Apostillas a un Sonar 2012

"cuando Star Slinger se sube a la cabina es capaz de pinchar píldoras bailables de aupa, con aromas soulful y funky, y con capacidad para sumergirse en bootlegs y no salir manchado. Su sesión en el Village sirvió para empezar a calentar los ánimos del público presente pese al reducido alcance sonoro que presentó durante toda la tarde ese escenario."

- Keith Mod Moon

viernes, junio 15, 2012

domingo, junio 10, 2012


" Compositions using field recordings generally fall into two categories: those that describe a location, and those which explore environmental or social themes. However there are also compositions which enjoy experimenting with the qualities of particular sounds, where the musicality of field recordings is manipulated into an unrecognisable form through the tools available to the composer. " 

-Jay-Dea Lopez

And out of that love, remake a world

“You must write every single day of your life… You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads… may you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake a world.” 

― Ray Bradbury

Experimental reader

ARTe SONoro. Madrid, La Casa Encendida, 2010.

Barber, Llorenç: La mosca tras la oreja: de la música experimental al arte sonoro en España. Madrid. Sociedad General de Autores, 2010.

Bois, Yves-Alain: La Anarquía del Silencio. John Cage y el arte experimental. Barcelona, MACBA, 2009.

Bull, Michael y Back, Les (eds.). The auditory culture reader. Oxford, Berg, 2004.

Cage, John: Silencio. Madrid, Ardora Ediciones, 2002.

Chion, Michel: La audiovisión. Madrid, Paidós Iberica, S.A., 1993.

Daniels, Dieter y Naumann, Sandra (eds.): See this sound, audiovisuology compendium, an interdisciplinaty Survey of Audiovisual Culture. Köln, Walther König, 2010.

Lund, Cornelia y Lund, Holger (eds.). Audio.Visual-On Visual Music and Related Media. Baden- Wurttember, Arnoldsche, 2007.

MASE. I Muestra de Arte Sonoro Español: Senxsperiment 2006 / Comisario José Iges. Lucena (Córdoba), Weekend Proms, 2007.

Kahn, Douglas: Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.

LaBelle, Brandon: Background Noise: Perspectives on Sound Art. Nueva York y Londres, The Continuum International Publishing Group, 2006.

See This Sound: Promises in Sound and Vision. Köln; Walther König, 2010.

viernes, junio 08, 2012

jueves, junio 07, 2012

density loss

They Have Not Seen the Stars

They have not seen the stars, 
Not one, not one 
Of all the creatures on this world 
In all the ages since the sands 
First touched the wind, 
Not one, not one, 
No beast of all the beasts has stood 
On meadowland or plain or hill 
And known the thrill of looking at those fires. 
Our soul admires what they, 
Oh, they, have never known. 
Five billion years have flown 
In turnings of the spheres, 
But not once in all those years 
Has lion, dog, or bird that sweeps the air 
Looked there, oh, look. Looked there. 
Ah, God, the stars. Oh, look, there! 

It is as if all time had never been, 
Nor Universe or Sun or Moon 
Or simple morning light. 
Those beasts, their tragedy was mute and blind, 
And so remains. Our sight? 
Yes, ours? to know now what we are. 

But think of it, then choose. Now, which? 
Born to raw Earth, inhabiting a scene, 
And all of it no sooner viewed, erased, 
As if these miracles had never been? 
Vast circlings of sounding fire and frost, 
And all when focused, what? as quickly lost? 

Or us, in fragile flesh, with God's new eyes 
That lift and comprehend and search the skies? 
We watch the seasons drifting in the lunar tide 
And know the years, remembering what's died.

 by Ray Bradbury

lunes, junio 04, 2012